Direct access
Once a year Israel’s High Priest would walk through the two outer
areas of the temple and go into the ‘Holy of Holies’ to obtain pardon
for the people’s sins. There were many priests but only the High Priest
could do this. The Bible says that Jesus, our High Priest, passed
through the Heavens and entered the Holy Place in the heavenly temple to
offer a ‘once-for-all-time’ sacrifice for our sins (see Heb 9:24-26).
Jesus passed through the first Heaven, which we call the
atmosphere; then the second Heaven, which we refer to as outer space;
then into the presence of God, or the third Heaven.Now, if you’re
living on earth, what you want to do in prayer is get into the third
Heaven where God’s throne is. The problem is, we can’t get there unless
someone takes us.
One day during the American Civil War a soldier sat on
a bench outside the White House looking distressed. A little boy came
by and asked him what was wrong. The soldier said he needed to see
President Lincoln but the guards wouldn’t let him in. Hearing this, the
boy took him by the hand and led him directly into the President’s
office. ‘Father’, he said, ‘this soldier really needs to speak with
you’. That boy was the President’s son, who had direct and continuous
access to his father.
Because Jesus, the Son of God, is
related to the Father, He can bypass all the stuff that blocks us.
That’s why when we pray in Jesus’ name, we have direct access to God,
are automatically welcome in His presence, and get our needs met.