Tuesday, May 21, 2013

God there is none like You

God there is none like You

"For when You grant a blessing, O LORD, it is an eternal blessing!" 1 Chronicle 17:27

No matter how bad things look – stay on top of the situation! Keep believing God.
Walk the floor and pray all night if you have to, but don’t give up.
Keep standing on the Word.
Your dream may not be fully alive yet, but it’s getting warm.
Things are improving. God is moving.
Your answer is on the way – don’t give up until it arrives!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Greatest Man in History

Greatest Man in History

Greatest man in history. His name is Jesus of Nazareth, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him.. He was... buried in a tomb, yet He is alive today.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Delight In The Lord

Delight in the Lord 

The Psalmist tells us that if we want the desires of our heart we should delight ourselves in the LORD. 
And He will protect us and take care of our needs.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Children are gifts

Children are gifts  



When it’s easier to talk to outsiders than it is to your own family, something’s wrong. Your family should be a support system – a safety net to catch you when you fall. For many people ‘family’ means money problems, troubled children and warring couples. That’s why Paul writes: “Walk … with … long suffering, bearing with one another in love … keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” It takes a big dose of grace to make it all work!

So start praying for your children instead of just setting boundaries that create distance between you when you don’t see eye to eye. You won’t always agree, but you must learn to respect each other. When God said, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” (Pr 22:6 NIV), He didn’t say what qualifies as ‘old’, or when your investment would start paying off. Every family has its ups and downs. And every family tree produces a few nuts! In fact, sometimes the best part is underground! But if you bail out when things get tough you’ll miss the rewards you’d have received by hanging on. Often the child that blesses you most is the one who didn’t reflect your views, married someone you don’t like, and doesn’t invite you over to dinner!

In the long run none of that matters because your family is a life-long investment. What’s important is to love and support one another unconditionally right now.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Winning the battle

Winning the battle



How can we win in the unrelenting battle between our flesh and our Spirit?

  First I acknowledge that there is a battle! my flesh always crave satisfaction in the very things God hates. There's civil war going on because my flesh never takes a holiday.

  I admit that I am powerless to win without God’s help! By consciously submitting to God, I draw on His strength in the first moments of each test. And my ability to do that will grow as I keep practicing this Spiritual discipline. The closer I draw to God, the stronger I become when faced with temptation.

  By deciding that self-discipline is a personal matter! I can depend on no one else to develop it for me. Paul writes, “I run … I box … I discipline my body” (1 Co 9:26-27 AMP). This is something only I can do. If someone else has to restrain me, it doesn’t work!

  I understand that ignoring the consequences invites disaster! Lack of self-discipline will inevitably lead to embarrassment for me, and those I love. So before I indulge, I consider the fallout! In 1 Co 9:27 (NAS), Paul speaks about being ‘disqualified’. What does that mean? It means losing respect in the eyes of others. It means limiting God’s ability to use me for His purposes. It means hurting the cause of Christ in the eyes of a world that’s always watching. When David committed adultery with Bathsheba, Nathan the prophet said to him, “By doing this you have made the enemies of the Lord show utter contempt” (2 Sa 12:14 NIV).

Want to win the battle? It's better to keep these things in mind!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Direct access

Direct access



Once a year Israel’s High Priest would walk through the two outer areas of the temple and go into the ‘Holy of Holies’ to obtain pardon for the people’s sins. There were many priests but only the High Priest could do this. The Bible says that Jesus, our High Priest, passed through the Heavens and entered the Holy Place in the heavenly temple to offer a ‘once-for-all-time’ sacrifice for our sins (see Heb 9:24-26).

Jesus passed through the first Heaven, which we call the atmosphere; then the second Heaven, which we refer to as outer space; then into the presence of God, or the third Heaven.Now, if you’re living on earth, what you want to do in prayer is get into the third Heaven where God’s throne is. The problem is, we can’t get there unless someone takes us.
One day during the American Civil War a soldier sat on a bench outside the White House looking distressed. A little boy came by and asked him what was wrong. The soldier said he needed to see President Lincoln but the guards wouldn’t let him in. Hearing this, the boy took him by the hand and led him directly into the President’s office. ‘Father’, he said, ‘this soldier really needs to speak with you’. That boy was the President’s son, who had direct and continuous access to his father.

Because Jesus, the Son of God, is related to the Father, He can bypass all the stuff that blocks us. That’s why when we pray in Jesus’ name, we have direct access to God, are automatically welcome in His presence, and get our needs met.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Strive to be sexually pure

Strive to be sexually pure 



Be grateful that God made you a sexual being. Sex wasn’t a mistake He made when He ran out of ideas. When Adam first saw Eve he didn’t say ‘I’ll bet she’s got a wonderful personality!’ No, he said, “This is … flesh of my flesh” (Ge 2:23). But when we don’t understand God’s original intent for sex, bad stuff happens. God doesn’t want to destroy our ability to experience our sexuality. No, He wants to teach us how to enjoy it.

Saying ‘I’m reserving sex for marriage’ may raise eyebrows and may get you excluded from the guest list of some parties. So be it! When there’s physical intimacy without true commitment, count on it; somebody’s going to get hurt. You need to resolve in your heart to read God’s Word and follow His directives on the subject. And you need to do it now, before you get into situations where you’re tempted to compromise your character, because then you’ve waited too late.

We all struggle at times with our sexuality, particularly in today’s culture. Sex is such a deep part of us. And guilt about sex has a way of making us feel separated from God like nothing else. So in order to determine your values and set some ground rules, you need to vow before God, ‘I’m not going to allow my impulses to dictate to me, or sin to separate me from You. I choose to keep Your standards, to rely on Your Spirit to give me strength day by day. And if I do sin, to seek Your forgiveness, get back up and move closer to You.’ Count on it – that’s a prayer God will answer!